Help Malafama become the first Mexican team to play in a United States tournament!

BERKELEY, California — Malafama Ultimate Club wants to become the first Mexican team to play in in a United States tournament AND they plan to make that tournament USA Ultimate’s Texas Sectional in September. Currently, they’re doing an Indiegogo campaign to raise money and offset their travel expenses. For those of you who don’t know, Malafama is the #1 Women’s Division team in Mexico.

Last November, a few Nightlockers had the privilege of playing with some of these wonderful and amazing women at a tournament called Ulticopa (watch the video above and see if you recognize any familiar faces). While the video is of Mexico’s #1 Mixed Division team, Slash, most of the women are also on Malafama.

We think this is an incredible opportunity to support international women’s ultimate and help the sport grow. While you probably have never heard of any of the women on Malafama, you might recognize them in their Slash jerseys from the World Ultimate Club Championships last summer in Lecco, Italy, where they took home the Spirit Award. The Spirit Award was a large step in the right direction for Mexican Ultimate as a whole as it brought attention to their country and their amazing community.

Now, Malafama wants to be a trailblazer for Mexican ultimate and play in USAU Sectionals. I bet the Texas teams that play Malafama will be in awe of the skill and athleticism of these women. For example, Ana Paula is a tall, fast cutter that the Mexicans call, “Mexican Beau Kittredge.” Also, most of the Mexican handlers will break your mark, then streak upfield before you even realize what happened. Anyway, Malafama will bring their A-game to Sectionals, so Texas should be prepared. Regardless of the outcome of Sectionals, Malafama will be able to go back to Mexico with pride.

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